Being Present

power of now Deliver On Your Vision

The Universe and Your Subconscious Mind Only Know of This Moment. You are really only in this space of time. Everything else you perceive is an illusion created by you.


Deliver On Your Vision

NOW is all there is.

Understanding that everything created now stemmed from your past moments will help you craft a future built on continued growth.

What you do right now can actually change an event that has already occurred in the past. How physics actually occurred in the past. How physics actually shows that if you do something Right Now it retroactively changes an event that has already happened. If you observe something it acts as a particle and if you don’t it acts as a wave.

You are the conscious observer that determines your reality. I call it an illusion created by you because your present reality can be changed IMMEDIATELY by your perception and view of things with intent and consistent focus the molecules change really fast and instant.

Schedule a Planning Session Now. Let’s add to your vision of the future and plan prospects around your definition of success by pinpointing what you want to be and achieve.


Take Your Vision to The Next Level


Your life is like a storybook.

You have infinite paths to choose from.

Like a map with a destination your life is the same.

You must know where you are going in order to get there.
Everything is too slow and I do not seem to be getting anywhere.





Setup a time to decide what you really want.

Write it down with a pencil and paper.

Make a definite decision this is what you want to have and be.

Hire a Business Coach whose Expertise is in the NOW moment.

The Difference is…the 10X Effect


“The future, is unlimited with Vivian supporting you. She is the reason I am where I am today. Successful, walking tall, and feeling confident that I can provide a superior service to any client.”

John P. Mullowney – Enrolled Agent, Cincinnati, Ohio

Get In Touch

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Florence, KY