Power of Now Professional Energetic Business Consulting and Marketing

Take Your Business To New Heights and awareness
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Never Settle For Less Than Your Business Deserves

Achieve All Business  Goals and Objectives

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The primary obstacle preventing affluent individuals from achieving their desired outcomes in their businesses is often the lack of a well-defined trajectory and destination.

Have you invested significant resources into your business, only to find minimal traffic to your website and a lack of bookings for your premium services?

Imagine a superior approach.

Through our exclusive coaching program, you will gain invaluable insights to meticulously strategize your objectives and refine your tactics, ensuring you attract and secure those high-value clientele you’ve always envisioned!EX

Power of Now Plan for Success

Business Roadmaps Custom Tailored To Your Needs

We use our industry expertise to create a roadmap specifically catered to you and the aspirations you have for your business, no matter how big your dreams are!

  • Professional business coaching at 
       any phase of growth
  • Strategies built for sustainability
  • One-on-One Coaching services that  
       keep you focused and in alignment SEX

Our Specialties

Whatever Your Business Needs, We Can Get It Done!

Business Consulting

Business Planning

One-On-one Coaching

Business Mentoring

Market Research

Marketing Strategies

Growth Consulting

Project Management

Power of Now Live Coaching Services

What We Can Do For You

The Power of Now is all about real-time consulting and coaching in the moment. We aim to transform your business not in the traditional sense, but through powerful wealth-generating techniques that start at the core of your business.

You will unlearn everything you have been taught up until now. Our approach is to craft you into a revenue-generating machine and add to your financial and mental wealth by helping you change the energy you create around you.

The path towards infinite prosperity starts with success and abundance. Sameness will undoubtedly lead to stagnant results. Break free from this stuck and repeated energy pattern by applying Power of Now Oneness & Clarity Techniques.

Revenue Acceleration

We help grow your top line and alleviate the negative pressures that disrupt your financial goals.

Financial Forecasting Guidance

Expand your mind with positivity to give stock holders the confidence to believe in you.

Break From Your Past Struggles

We help you re-focus and think concisely about your business to enable decisive decision making.

Deliver on your vision

NOW, is all there is. Let’s add to your vision of the future around the definition of success.

From Our Founder

If Everything IS in Place & Nothing is Working…

If everything is in place and not going as well as expected there is definitely a reason for that.

Put simply, cause and effect.

There is a lot to be said here whether it is a single website owner or a large company.

The Energy is the same.

If the business isn’t experiencing a harmonious growth there could be very well stuck energy somewhere. Most people are not aware that there are simple techniques that can clear dense and heavy energy within a business.

 Sometimes it is the past history repeating itself like a software loop.

Amazingly enough, it only takes one negative person to bring the entire team down and no one even knows what is going on or aware of the energy.

 Another thing, which might look trivial however is a major producer in the outcome of business success is the financial forecasts.

I once was hired as a VP of Global Marketing to re-start a failed business.
The product was amazing! Greater than anything else going on in the world.

First, above all, the name of the new business has to be changed otherwise you will carry over all of the past energy into the present moment.

When looking at all of the paperwork for this 7 year business I could see why it failed.

I really couldn’t imagine anyone writing this into existence but they had the start-up at a loss for 6 years and making profit in the 7th year.

The 7th year all of the investors pulled out because it was not making them millions of dollars.

All of the Sales team must be confident and positive. Anything less than will create from the lower denser energy.

 Identifying your idea market is extremely important. It takes a little time to break down to the smallest thought however it is to a great benefit selling to people who want and will buy your product or service.

 Everything is Energy.

I have the ability to see stuck and heavy energy in a business and clear it up easily and instantly.

Contact me here to clear up stuck, dense, and/or heavy energy in your business.


Great for startups with no lists, funnels, or print ads. Generate demand for your products and services. I can fill up your restaurants, bars, stores, and websites for you energetically.  Pricing varies per project. Connect with me here for a Discovery Session.


Exceptional for small businesses. Energy check and clearing in each department for stuck, heavy, dense, repeat, negative, energy of people who have left the company, business deal went sour, malfunctions, scattered energy, and more…

This business energy clearing session will leave the business in a balanced, positive, and abundant in every area including financial.

Your work areas and your employees will be filled with positive high vibrational energy. One week $30K plus travel expenses.

On this call we discuss what type of clients you are looking for.

All I need to know is what you are looking for and I can attract them into your experience. Schedule a Discovery Session today.

On this call you tell me what you see and are experiencing.

You tell me what you are experiencing and I can change the energy. I can un-create it, delete it, and take the story off of the energy on an item or a room and leave it as pure positive successful energy.




COVID-19 has disrupted society and its effects are lingering in business. As a business professional, you too may let these issues impact your focus and cloud your decision-making, something that WILL reduce your sales.

Money is, although trivial in the universe, an essential building block to success in your life right now. Have a stronger relationship with money and manifest it into your life easily and effortlessly.

The only thing most people are lacking is  “Awareness”. Awareness of what already IS.

Clear the vibrational clutter around your business which even includes judgements and viewpoints we pick up.

Your business is consciousness. Give your business a job to do and allow it to support you abundantly.

Prospecting clients and retaining them are a struggle for many businesses both old and new. You may ask “why aren’t clients choosing me?”

Creating a new “Ideal Clients” formula would definitely help because it would identify who your clients are NOW. This will also help release the past





Businesses were shut down around the entire world! A lot of BULLSHIT was imposed on us and our businesses. This is huge! This heavy dark energy could very well still exist within your sales.

This would be the energy in the past still creating in the present and this energy is heavy and could be devasting.

I can clear this old, stuck, heavy, and repeating energy.   Fresh Start – Then we write a brand new mission statement and a new financial forecast which will allow your business to prosper and profit.


Everything we do is supporting more consciousness. Money is consciousness. By receiving money and bringing it into the consciousness I am that I am, actually is bringing more money into the consciousness of the money itself and become more potent.

Everything in this entire universe is consciousness. It’s already functioning from consciousness. It’s a molecular structure and a communion of all things. So money is already being totally conscious.

Well, the answer is you may not produce enough high-energy, positive vibrations within yourself for others to believe in you. We attract who we are, not what we want. Your energy vibrations attract like energy. Let me work with you to know who you want to attract, be who you want to attract, and share with who you want to attract.


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